Welcome to The Boy Game
The Project
The Boy Game is a 16 minute video and interactive website that targets bullying at its core - the culture of toughness and silence boys live by. Targets need to be protected, absolutely, but rather than vilify bullies,The Boy Game looks to unpack the complex dynamics that lead some boys to bully and the majority to stand watching in silent conflict. Michael Kimmel, Pulitzer Prize nominated author of Manhood In America says, "if the conversation about bullying is going to advance this is the project to help us advance it".
The Goal
Boys desperately need a way to talk about the painful pressure to be tough and unemotional they are subject to, to develop the resilience needed to stand up, be themselves, and redefine masculinity in terms of emotional, tolerant strength. And the girls around them who are both the victims of boys' aggression and can intensify it or stand up against it need to be part of the discussion.
The project which portrays the intense pressure boys face every day is designed to raise critical dialogue and provide powerful interactive activities for middle/high school kids. Steven Brion-Meisels of Harvard Ed says, "The Boy Game may well save a life".
Where We're At
The Boy Game stand alone video has just begun distribution with New Day Filmsthe largest social issue distributor in the U.S..
The Boy Game interactive website is currently being developed by Mind's Eye Productions in conjunction with Zap Dramatic who also produced the award winning site: Inside The Haiti Earthquake
Contact/Follow Us!
Deirdre Fishel/Alice Shindelar
406 Douglass St. Brooklyn, NY 11217
(718) 638-0028
[email protected]